There were 8.10 lakh unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in the national capital, of which 97 per cent were operating in urban Delhi, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said. Sisodia released a report on "Incorporated Non- agricultural Enterprises Excluding Constructions in Delhi".

In 2016, on an average 25 people died due to respiratory ailments were recorded every day, up from 16 deaths every day in 2013, shows data presented in the Delhi Statistical Handbook, 2017

The present Statistical Abstract 2016 is the Eighth in the series brought out by this Directorate on the basis of secondary data sources. The uniqueness of Statistical Abstract is that it contains time series data on various socio-economic parameters and serves as an effective quantitative tool for reaching to logical conclusions in the context of planning and public policy making. The present edition of Statistical Abstract is thoroughly improved in terms of coverage and quality.

Delhi Statistical Hand Book-2016 is the 41st issue being published by Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. This publication contains data relating to various Socioeconomic parameters in respect of NCT of Delhi.

This report on Medical Certification of Cause of Death is brought out by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics and office of Chief Registrar (Births & Deaths), GNCTD. The Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 provides for certification of cause of death by the medical practitioners who have last attended the deceased.

In January 2015, CSO introduced the new series of national accounts statistics with base year 2011-12, replacing the previous series with base year 2004-05.

Delhi recorded the highest per capita income among states in 2014-15, according to the Delhi Statistical Hand Book-2015. Delhi has the highest per capita income of Rs 2,40,849 among all the states during 2014-15. It has increased by Rs 28,630 in comparison to 2013-14, stated the annual report prepared by Delhi government’s Directorate of Economics and Statistics. According to the figures released by the government, Delhi’s per capita income in 2014-15 increased to Rs 2.41 lakh from Rs 2.12 lakh in the previous fiscal, a rise of nearly 13.50 per cent.

Delhi suffers from air pollution caused by transportation, road dust, industries and domestic air emissions says Delhi Economic Survey 2014-15 released on 24 June 2015. 

The present report on “Urban Slums in Delhi” is brought out by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics on the basis of sample survey conducted under the 69th NSS Round (July 2012- Dec 2012) in respect of state sample.

Delhi Statistical Hand Book-2014 is the 39th issue being published by Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. This publication contains data relating to various Socio-economic parameters in respect of NCT of Delhi. Data is presented under 23 broad chapters.
