Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding benefits and facilities to be provided under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, 25/07/2018
Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding benefits and facilities to be provided under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, 25/07/2018
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Rajive Raturi Vs Union of India & Others dated 25/07/2018 regarding the benefits and facilities that are to be provided to the persons suffering from various kinds of disabilities under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. Supreme Court in its Judgement dated 15.12.2017 had given eleven directions which were to be complied with by the Central Government as well as State Governments for implementing various provisions of the Disabilities Act, 2016. The Central Government as well as the State Governments were directed to file their reports indicating the action Plan and the time within which the provisions of Disabilities Act, 2016, in terms of the directions, would be implemented.
Counsel for the petitioner points out that the response is not in accord with the directions given. The Apex Court finds merit in the contention of the petitioner and directs the Union of India to give a Compliance Report. The Court also finds the information provided by the various State Governments to be incomplete and also directs them to file a Compliance Report.