Question raised in Rajya Sabha on infrastructure facilities to gram panchayats, 13/03/2020
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on infrastructure facilities to gram panchayats, 13/03/2020
As per information there are 662336 villages in the country. Further, out of 257816 Gram Panchayats (GPs)/ Rural Local Bodies (RLBs) across the country, 59657 are not having their own building. ‘Panchayat’ being “local government”, which is part of the State List of Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India is a State subject. Hence, providing infrastructural facilities such as Panchayat Building, electricity, computers etc are primarily the responsibility of the State. However, Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) supplements the efforts of the States, through its schemes and programmes.