Progress report (Volume II) of the Committee of Experts on blowout at Baghjan-5 in Tinsukia district, Assam, 31/10/2020
Progress report (Volume II) of the Committee of Experts on blowout at Baghjan-5 in Tinsukia district, Assam, 31/10/2020
Progress report (Volume II) of the Committee of Experts constituted by the National Green Tribunal headed by Justice Brojendra Prasad Katakey, to look into the issues concerning Well Baghjan-5 in Tinsukia district, Assam.
The report contains a copy of a summary chart titled "Consent status of M/s Oil India Limited, Duliajan including Oil Well No. BGN-5 of Baghjan oil field in Tinsukia district as well as copies of reports received from the PCB Assam and DC Tinsukia.
Note: The report of October 31, 2020 was uploaded to the NGT site on February 12, 2021