Draft Notification of flyash utilisation
Draft Notification of flyash utilisation
The Notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests vide S.O.763 (E), dated the 14thSeptember, 1999, as amended from time to time, the Central Government, issued directions for restricting the excavation of top soil for manufacturing of bricks and promoting the utilisation of fly ash in the manufacturing of building materials and in construction activity within a specified radius of three hundred kilometres from the coal or lignite based thermal power plants. To implement these Notifications more effectively based on the polluter pays principle (PPP) thereby ensuring 100 % utilisation of fly ash by the coal or lignite based thermal power plants and for the sustainability of the fly ash management system, the Central Government reviewed the existing Notifications; and whereas penalties/fines need to be introduced based on the polluter pays principle.