Centre for Rural Technology, Nepal (CRT/N) is a professional non-governmental organization involved in developing and promoting appropriate / rural and renewable energy technologies effective in improving livelihood of the rural mass. It was established in August 1989 under the Company Act. CRT/N has now been registered with the Government of Nepal (GoN) under the Social Organisation Registration Act since October 1998.


Communities living with commendable quality of life through adoption of environmentally sound rural/appropriate technologies that emphasize optimal use of locally available skills and resources.


Develop, promote and disseminate environmentally sound rural / appropriate technologies and strengthen capability of rural communities in creating better opportunities through use of local resources to improve their livelihood conditions.


Promote and disseminate environmentally appropriate and renewable energy technologies to meet the basic needs of the people and improve their socio economic condition and quality of life;

Conduct adaptive and action-oriented research on indigenous and improved technologies;

Train and transfer technical information and know-how on production, installation and management of appropriate technologies;

Assist in development of technical and institutional capabilities for sustainable development;
Provide technical support and consulting services in the field of energy and environment conservation