Delhi Science Forum
Delhi Science Forum (DSF) was constituted in the year 1978 as a Public Interest Organisation registered under Societies. The primary aim of the forum was to work on the science and society interface including popularizing science and science & technology policies.
Science and technology policies have social, economic and political implications. Issues such as Nuclear WTO imposed trade policies, Intellectual Property Rights, power policies, telecom policies, disinvestments and many other issues are quite often mystified with so called scientific and technical expertise. Delhi Science Forum seeks to demystify science and technology policies in order to ensure people’s participation in science and technology policies. DSF intervene through campaigns, seminars, workshops, and publications and also through legal actions on that are harmful for the people. DSF also network with other organizations at national and international level that engaged in similar activities.
In to days world science & technology have become an integral part of our lives. With the advancement of science its is visible even more widely. We believe that science needs to be popularized in all sections including those who do not have the benefit of formal education. DSF uses various means of communication such as street plays, slide shows, exhibitions and workshops, etc., for this purpose.
Today, science and rationality is under attack from different sections. Delhi Science Forum believes that science and can play an important role in improving the quality of life and removing social and economic disparities. Delhi Science Forum also believes in opposing all forms of obscurantism and stands for promoting scientific temper in society.