Designation: Professor, Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Broad areas of research focus include forestry, rural energy, community and sustainable development, natural resource monitoring, climate change and related issues. My current research interests include i) climate change – mitigation, impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in the land use and forest sector including inventory of land use sectors, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) & Reducing Deforestation (REDD) in forest sector, ii) Biofuels, iii) Renewable energy.

Author for eight books, out of which four books are on climate change, one is on renewable energy, two are on community forestry and the other is on biomass energy. Contributed to research on "Climate Change and Forests" at national as well as international level. Author for eight IPCC Assessment Reports during the last 10 years, including the latest IPCC Report, 2007.