Addressing tradeoffs between energy transitions and SDGs through G20 partnerships: an ‘inequality’ perspective

There is an urgent need to simultaneously fulfil the targets of the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals. Various synergies exist between these agendas, and many energy transition policies focus on these co-benefits. There are, however, also difficult trade-offs that need to be managed to maximise the opportunities of transition. Given that many energy transition initiatives will take place in the G20 member countries, managing these trade-offs and ensuring a just transition is relevant for the grouping. Also, the G20, as a political forum and agenda setter, can influence global energy transition in ways that trade-offs are managed, and the climate agenda is optimally pursued. As just transition and sustainability are inherently about reducing inequalities, trade-offs should be looked at from an inequality perspective. The primary recommendation is for the G20 to build just transition partnerships that integrate management of inequality related trade-offs.