Climate Budget 2020-21
Climate Budget 2020-21
The Government of Odisha has come out with an exclusive document ‘Climate Budget’ which depicts the proportion of budget allocated for mitigating climate change. The document was presented in the Odisha Legislative Assembly on the occasion of the recent budget session of Odisha, commenced from 14 Feb 2020. This study aims to inform planners in the State Government on the current climate change relevance and sensitivity of public expenditure in sectors outlined in Odisha’s SAPCC, through a detailed budget coding exercise. The purpose of this analysis is to assist the Government in first identifying sectors and schemes to focus on to improve climate resilience and mitigation outcomes, and secondly to support government in deciding whether programmes need re-designing or additional funding to accommodate changes needed to deliver climate benefits and / or safeguard projects from the impacts of climate change. This would therefore support the State Government in securing broader development benefits of large scale investments being made, and would help avoid potential future losses that climate change would exacerbate, thereby helping to achieve Odisha’s climate response agenda.