Dynamic ground water resources of Uttarakhand state, 2023

The dynamic groundwater resources of India for the year 2023 are assessed following the Groundwater Estimation Methodology, 2015 (GEC–2015), which takes into account all the relevant parameters contributing to groundwater recharge and extraction. All computations for the assessment of ground water resources have been automated and done in a GIS environment through a web based application namely “INDIA GROUNDWATER RESOURCE ESTIMATION SYSTEM (IN-GRES)” developed in collaboration with IIT Hyderabad and Vassar Labs. The report “Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Uttarakhand” is prepared by CGWB, Uttaranchal Region, Dehradun under the supervision of State Level Technical Coordination Committee (SLTCC) and overall guidance of Central Level Expert Committee (CLEG). The present report shows that out of 18 assessment units, 04 assessment units (Blocks) are falling under 'Semi-critical' category and remaining under Safe category.