Good practice in climate action in Africa
Good practice in climate action in Africa
Africa is a diverse continent of 1.2 billion people, spanning 55 countries, and many different ecological systems, cultures, and economies. Over the past two decades, the continent’s average annual economic growth rate has been about 3.4%. Much of this growth has been reliant on climate-sensitive sectors such as water, agriculture, energy, transport, and tourism. But climate impacts in Africa have already led to loss and damage in key sectors and to critical infrastructure. COVID-19 has exacerbated these impacts, impeding socioeconomic development progress and increasing debt levels. Some estimates show African countries potentially losing 5% of GDP per annul by 2030 based on an increase in temperature of 2 degrees. Climate action must confront the vulnerabilities experienced on much of the continent among people who bear a disproportionate share of climate impacts despite contributing relatively little to global emissions (approximately 4%). The focus of this compilation is on projects where international organizations are partnering with national government and local stakeholders in implementation through funding, technology transfer, and capacity building. The report focuses on initiatives where national governments have partnered specifically with UN entities, often together with other international partners, local stakeholders, and the private sector. The examples provided are diverse, cutting across countries, sectors, approaches, and implementing partners. They cover successful practices in climate-sensitive sectors in need of urgent and scaled up responses: energy, agriculture, land restoration, water and sanitation, coastal restoration, tourism, waste, and transport. The report also identifies important cross-cutting lessons. While tailored and context-driven approaches are crucial to success, some takeaways emerge from across the full set that are relevant for further action across sectors.