Mozambique poverty assessment, June 2023: poverty reduction setback in times of compounding shocks
Mozambique poverty assessment, June 2023: poverty reduction setback in times of compounding shocks
This report relies on several data sources. The main source providing the poverty, inequality and labor figures herein is the 2019/20 Household Budget Survey (Inquérito sobre Orçamento Familiar, IOF2019/2020) conducted by the National Statistical Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, INE) starting in November 2019 and spanning 13 months. The survey’s sample was drawn from the 2017 Census and allows for poverty figures to be representative at national and provincial as well as rural and urban levels. The fieldwork included data collection from 13,297 households interviewed across four quarters as in previous surveys, to account for seasonality effects like the impact on households’ consumption of relatively more abundant post-harvest periods.