Outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa - Rapid Risk Assessment
Outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa - Rapid Risk Assessment
An outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa, with onset in early February 2014, is evolving in Guinea and Liberia. This is the first such outbreak in the area. The first cases were reported from the forested region of south-eastern Guinea. As of 7 April 2014, the Ministry of Health in Guinea reported 151 clinically compatible cases of EVD, 54 of which were laboratory-confirmed by PCR. Ninety-five of these patients died. Liberia has reported 21 cases clinically compatible with EVD, including ten deaths. In Mali, the Ministry of Health has reported six suspected cases as of 7 April 2014, two of which have tested negative for Ebola virus infection. Samples from the four remaining suspected cases have been sent to CDC and the Institut Pasteur in Dakar for testing.