Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conservation of Biodiversity, 02/08/2016

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conservation of Biodiversity, 02/08/2016. Some important initiatives taken by the Government for conservation of biological diversity inter alia include: survey, inventorization, taxonomic validation and threat assessment of floral and faunal resources; assessment of the forest cover to develop an accurate database for planning and monitoring; establishment of a Protected Area Network of National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Conservation and Community Reserves; designating Biosphere Reserves for conservation of representative ecosystems; undertaking of species oriented programmes, such as Project Tiger and Project Elephant; complemented with ex-situ conservation efforts. In addition, Biological Diversity Act 2002 has also been enacted with the aim to conserve biological resources of the country and regulation of access to these resources to ensure equitable sharing of benefits arising out of their use, under which a National Biodiversity Authority and State Biodiversity Boards in all States have been set up for implementing the provisions of the Act. The forest area diverted since 1980 States/UTs-wise is given in Appendix.
