Question raised in Lok Sabha on Mining Activities in Forest Areas, 12/07/2019
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Mining Activities in Forest Areas, 12/07/2019
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Mining Activities in Forest Areas, 12/07/2019. The forest land diverted for mining activities under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 is returned back after completion of mining operation and biologically reclaimed. In the last three years 47469.49 ha. of forest land has been diverted for different non-forestry purposes including mining activities, against which a total of 62769.58 ha land has been stipulated for compensatory afforestation during the same period. Moreover, to reduce environment pollution, various mitigative measures are stipulated while granting environment clearance for such mining activities. Hence, the mining activities in forest areas do not contribute to cascading effect on the depletion of rainfall and environment pollution.