Question raised in Lok Sabha on Utilization of Fly Ash, 12/07/2019

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Utilization of Fly Ash, 12/07/2019. As per Central Electricity Authority (CEA) report,the utilization of fly ash has increased from 66.6 million-ton in 2008-09 to 132 million-ton in 2017-18. In the year 201718, the overall utilization of fly ash in various application was 67 %. The utilization of fly ash was 25.6 % in the cement sector; 10.48 % in reclamation of low lying area; 9.01 % in brick & tiles; 6.9 % in ash dyke raising; 6.37 % in mines backfilling; 3.4 % in roads & fly overs; 0.66 % in concrete; 0.29 % in agriculture.