Recommendation for an implementation plan for use of remote sensing for on-road emissions monitoring as per directions of the Hon’ble Court on 8.7.2019
Recommendation for an implementation plan for use of remote sensing for on-road emissions monitoring as per directions of the Hon’ble Court on 8.7.2019
In the context of the on-going deliberations on the potential application of remote sensing technology for monitoring on-road vehicular emissions, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has directed Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA) as follow: “With respect to remote sensing technology a report has been filed by International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT). It is pointed out by Amicus Curiae that remote sensing technology has been found to be helpful in reducing the pollution level and it is a finding of the ICAT that it is effective method to check pollution. As to put it into operation, time prayed on behalf of the EPCA to consider and submit a report. As the matter is urgent and is in connection with the reduction of pollution, we grant only fifteen days time to the EPCA to submit a proposal after consulting various stakeholders.”