Sustainable Development Goals National Indicator Framework Progress Report 2021
Sustainable Development Goals National Indicator Framework Progress Report 2021
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in September 2015 for the next 15 years covering all aspects of development. Countries were expected to implement the SDGs at national level based on national priorities. India has been playing a prominent role in defining the contours of the 2030 agenda and is committed to achieve these goals in a time bound manner. Government of India
through Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) developed a National Indicator Framework of SDGs for facilitating monitoring of SDGs at National Level. The present report “Sustainable Development Goals - National Indicator Framework Progress Report, 2021 (version 3.1)” provides an overview of the progress made by India on SDGs and the data gaps which need to be addressed for better monitoring of SDGs.