KLEW: A serious irregularity has been unearthed over the implementation of the mid-day meal scheme in the Unitarian Lower Primary School in Upper Klew village in Ri-Bhoi district.

Students of the school are not getting their mid-day meal even though official records claim that mid-day meals are being provided to the students on a regular basis.

SHILLONG: A serious concern is being raised over the possible extinction of the animals inhabiting the Nongkhyllem Forest Sanctuary in Ri-Bhoi district on account of the rapid illegal felling of trees for timber smuggling which is currently happening in the sanctuary.

It is learnt that at present, the forest sanctuary covers an area of 100 square kilometres including an additional area of 6.2 kilometres, acquired by the Government in 2002. Nongkhyllem sanctuary is the habitat for elephants, deer, wild pigs, amongst other animals although elephants number highest in population inside the sanctuary.