The Workshop on Exploring the Possibilities of Joint Management of Protected Areas in India was held at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, on 1-3 September 1994. This report is based on notes taken by the organisers and rapporteurs at the workshop, as also on the taped proceedings.

The ecodevelopment project being implemented in Gir National Park has raked up a controversy on the issue of relocation of the native Maldhari community

Maharashtra villagers and environmentalists see red as the Radhanagri Sanctuary becomes yet another victim of industrial onslaught

Though conservation policies have to some extent succeeded in stemming the environmental destruction being caused by rampant industrial and urban growth, in India, these efforts have also had the unintended consequence of creating enemies of the very people who have historically been the strongest conservationists.

Can protected areas survive the multitude of pressures without the participation of people? Neena Singh explores the issue

Some exciting recent developments indicate that India s forest people might soon have their home rights restored and be allowed to manage their own affairs

Yet another controversial move by our environment and forests ministry could ring the death knell for India's biodiversity