This statistics incorporates provisional information regarding coal, coal products & lignite of the preceding financial year along with past few years on reserve, production, despatch, pit-head closing stock, import and export of coal etc. It also contains information regarding captive blocks.

Provisional Coal Statistics 2016-17 is the latest Statistical Report on Coal in India based on the data received from various Indian coal companies. As the data provided here are based on pre-audited reports of the companies for the year 2016-17, the coal statistics has been termed as provisional. However, to provide a glimpse of the variation between the provisional statistics and the final one, present below the corresponding figures for last five years along with the provisional figures for 2016-17.

The Ministry of Coal has notified Coal Blocks Allocation Rules, 2017. The coal ministry has deferred indefinitely the fifth round of captive coal block auctions citing lack of demand from steel makers, despite a request from the steel ministry to continue the bidding for interested firms.

Coal Directory of India provides Coal and Lignite Statistics spreading over eleven sections covering some general economy data, brief history of coal sector in India, present status, reserve, production, dispatches, pit head closing stock, price, export and import, trends of coal consumption in power, steel and cement production, captive coal and lignite blocks, world coal statistics and brief colliery statistics. Coal Directory of India 2015-16 is an exhaustive data-base related to coal and lignite.

To prepare the modalities for allocation of coal mines through auction for sale of coal by private companies, a discussion paper containing proposed eligibility conditions and proposed methodology has been prepared in the first instance to consult the stake holders.

The government is considering capping the amount of coal blocks that a company can hold. The clause is part of the draft coal block allocation guidelines issued for public comments by the coal ministry and would apply to mines other than the 204 blocks that were cancelled by the Supreme Court in October 2014.

Provisional Coal Statistics 2015-16 is the latest Statistical Report on Coal in India based on the data received from various Indian coal companies. As the data provided here are based on pre -audited reports of the companies for the year 2015-16, the coal statistics has been termed as provisional. However, to provide a glimpse of the variation between the provisional statistics and the final one, present below the corresponding figures for last five years along with the provisional figures for 2015-16.

Gazette Notification dated 20th Oct 2015 regarding Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) Rules, 2015.

This statistics incorporates provisional information regarding coal, coal products & lignite of the preceding financial year along with past few years on reserve, production, despatch, pit-head closing stock, import & export of coal etc. It also contains information regarding captive blocks.

Coal Directory of India provides coal and lignite statistics spreading over eleven sections covering some general economy data, brief history of coal sector in India, present status, reserve, production, dispatches, pit head closing stock, price, export and import, trends of coal consumption in power, steel and cement production, captive coal and lignite blocks, world coal statistics and brief colliery statistics.
