
The power sector being the largest emitter of CO2 has a key role to play if India wants to achieve its target of going net-zero by 2070. This will mean that we would need to move away from coal-based generation and adopt renewable power instead, mainly wind and solar. Of course, it can be supplemented with hydro power, biomass and nuclear.

Limiting global average temperature rise to 1.5°C requires stopping the construction of new coal power plants, and that many existing plants must retire early before the end of their technical lifetimes. This presents a major challenge as coal supplied more than one-third of global electricity generation in 2023.

This study is a perception survey among 6,000 respondents covering 4,000 organised workers in the supply side (mining) and thermal power plants, and 2,000 unorganised workers in 5 districts of Jharkhand, as well as 26 policy and sectoral experts working at the national and state level.

Measures are being taken to control the air pollution due to the loading and unloading of coal by vehicles plying on the Hal road of Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) Khadia project at Shakti Nagar, Sonbhadra. This is adjacent to the rehabilitated village of Chilkadand in violation of environmental norms, creating heavy dust pollution and health hazard to local residents.

Global coal use is set to rise by 1.2% in 2022, surpassing 8 billion tonnes in a single year for the first time and eclipsing the previous record set in 2013, according to this report by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Countries that are now planning a just transition away from coal can learn from experiences of historic and ongoing coal transitions in Europe.

Technology Roadmap for Coal Sector is a document prepared based on the information available on public domain and inputs provided by various stakeholders. It is a document for coal companies for information purpose to adopt new technologies in time bound manner.

India has stockpiled a record 132 million tonnes of coal – enough to run India’s power plants for two months – greatly exceeding the average of the previous five years, finds a new briefing note by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).

Coal Controller's Organization has been carrying out the task of collection, compilation and dissemination of data related to the Coal and Lignite sector through its publication "The Coal Directory of India".

Provisional Coal Statistics 2019-20 is the latest Statistical Report on Coal in India based on the data received from various Indian coal companies. As the data provided are based on pre -audited reports of the companies for the year 2019-20, the coal statistics has been termed as provisional.
