Enable Block: 

Delhi turns into a gas chamber, the capital becomes a death trap. But this is not Delhi's problem alone. Delhi is simply sounding a red hot alert for all cities of India - where air quality is staedily dipping. Cities like Mumbai and Chennai where air can escape with sea breeze have already plunged to average air quality, and others are slowly heading that way. What will happen when in a few year.

चर्चा में: प्रदूषण से जंग

With the pollution crisis in Delhi becoming an annual feature, the government has now announced a drastic plan to help clean up the air in the National Capital Region. Bharat Stage-VI fuel, equivalent to Euro-6 standards, will now be introduced in Delhi by 2018 and NCR by 2019. Will this really help in the clean up of the national capital? Are our oil companies ready to spend tens of thousands of crores to upgrade their fuel facilities? We debate on The Buck Stops Here.

Delhi may be the worst polluted city in the world but not all is Delhi's fault. The neighbouring areas of Delhi, that is, Haryana, Punjab, Ghaziabad and Noida holds many industrial areas that emit poisonous gases every single which then accumulates in Delhi's atmosphere. So, Delhi will never be rid of its pollution crisis unless the governing bodies of these so-called neighbours regulate the industries emitting poisonous gases.

Delhi and the National Capital Region is in a state of emergency. With the Air Quality Index at the `Severe’ level people are confronting that hard truth about toxic air - it’s hazardous to health and life.

The Big Picture - Will apathy of rich Nations derail climate action?

आज सुबह से दिल्ली NCR धुंध और smog की मोटी चादर से ढंका हुआ है. आँखों में जलन सांस लेने में परेशानी ये इसके असर हैं. दिल्ली में लगातार जहरीली हवा का प्रकोप बना हुआ है और pm स्तर 2.5 है.

The national capital and many parts of north India become a gas chamber as pollution literally chokes people. Is it time to declare a public health emergency?

कारण सबको पता है मगर समाधान में किसी की गहरी दिलचस्पी नहीं है. सभी को लगता है कि ये नवंबर की बात है, उसके बाद सब सामान्य हो जाएगा. दिल्ली की हवा आपकी जेब और हेल्थ पर असर डालने फिर से आ गई है. कब तक दिल्ली बात-बात में स्कूल बंद करती रहेगी, वो यह क्यों नहीं कहती कि शहर में डीज़ल कारों का पंजीकरण बंद हो, कारों की संख्या में बेतहाशा वृद्धि बंद हो, पब्लिक ट्रांसपोर्ट की संस्कृति को बढ़ाने के लिए कारें बंद करने की बात नहीं होती, कब तक बड़ों के फैलाए इस प्रदूषण का समाधान हम बच्चों के स्कूल को बंद करके करेंगे.

Delhi became a gas chamber today with smog engulfing the India's capital and people forced to breath dangerously harmful air. DNA analyses this worsening situation.
