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When there is a huge vote bank at stake, can politicians be far behind?

Researchers use data to make assessments and suggest preventive strategies

The question of when and how

Biodiversity in the UK threatened due to climate changes

The Biological Diversity Bill, 2001, pending before Parliament, is inadequate to serve the interests of indigenous and local communities, the traditional custodians of biological resources. The

The Sunderbans and other parts of South 24-Parganas in West Bengalas well as large parts of coastal India, including Goa, Mumbai, Orissa, the southern states and island territories, will be affected

Are global climate changes gradual or abrupt? Both, says the American National Academy of Sciences which recently released an ambivalent report on global warming and climate change. Although the

It has been summer of extremes. Rains have deluged Europe and Asia, swamping cities and villages, killing some 2000 people, while drought and heat have seared the American West and Eastern cities.

Environmental groups filed a lawsuit this week against two U.S. government agencies for financing the overseas projects of American energy firms while ignoring the effects those deals have on global

The tiny island nation of Tuvalu sees the issue of global warming as a matter of life and death. Few at the U.N. development summit seem to care. Tuvalu fears it will be crushed by storms, rising
