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The Union Minister for Environment and Forests, Mr. T.R. Baalu, assured that steps would be taken for the completion of the works on the national action plan for the abatement of pollution of river

Toyota Motor Corp has developed a new catalytic system dubbed DPNR, for diesel particulate-NOx reduction. The DPNR system is a technological tour de force because it manages to reduce both

Massive flooding, disease and drought could hit rich and poor countries around the world over coming decades if global warming is not halted, an authoritative U.N. scientific team warned Monday. The

Rapid Global warming bodies ill for the Indian subcontinent, where calamities like floods and epidemics could increase in frequency, according to a UN report. The report of the 'Intergovernmental

Global warming has already started to affect the environment and a rise in sea levels will threaten up to 200 million people by 2080, according to a new report released Saturday. Adopted in Geneva by

Unprecedented melting of glaciers and formation of artificial lakes in the higher reaches of Himachal Pradesh has created a threat of flash floods in the low lying areas. According to an official

The Project Management Unit office of the Wang Watershed Project in Chundudingkha, Paro (Bhutan) is expected to benefit the rural population in Thimphu, Chukha, Haa and Paro

The three-decade old dispute, over two irrigation projects in Orissa and a border row with Andhra Pradesh, is likely to be resolved soon as the representatives of both the governments have held a

The Bush administration is only slowly turning to climate issues and so is being left on the sidelines in international talks that could shape a treaty curtailing global warming, say government

Fifteen energy-intensive industries have signed climate change agreements with the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR), allowing companies an 80% discount on the
