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The Maharashtra government on Wednesday submitted before the Constitution bench of the Supreme Cpurt tht Scheme B of the Bachawat tribunal on Krishna waters was not meant to be enforceable and Scheme

Global warming due to green house emissions in having far reaching consequences. According to researchers, the mysterious disappearance of 20 frog species in Costa Rica may have been due to global

"The recently-observed series of extreme weather events must have been influenced by the higher average temperatures," say Pier Vellinga and Willem van Verseveld of the Institute for Environmental

South Africa is to build the largest telescope in the southern hemisphere, a move welcomed by scientists from all over the world. They call it "Africa's giant eye". It will see stars a billion times

Global warming could wipe out many species of plants and animals and fundamentally alter up to a third of Earth's plant and animal inhabitants by the end of the 21st century, according to a report

The surface of the ocean in the tropical Northern Hemisphere has become dramatically warmer in recent years, increasing at a rate of about 1 degree Fahrenheit per decade since 1984, according to an

The chief American negotiator on climate change has admitted for the first time that the United States is unlikely to meet its commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions, without buying other

Ministers have given the go-ahead to using a crucial injection of taxpayers' money to make sure Britain is one of the first countries to develop a large-scale emissions trading scheme for greenhouse

Japan was planning to notify the U.N. Conference on climate change that it wants to achieve a cut of between 3.2 percent and 3.7 percent in carbon dioxide emissions--more than half of its 6 percent

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, one of the most geologically volatile regions in the world, is becoming increasingly warm, scientists say. In an article published in the Beijing-based Science Times, Shi
