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An influential expert on global warming who for nearly 20 years has pressed countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases now says the emphasis on carbon

NASA researchers have new insights into the mysteries of Arctic sea ice, thanks to the unique abilities of Canada's RADARSAT satellite. The Arctic is the smallest of the world's four oceans, but it

High population growth driven by immigration will undermine Australia's efforts to reduce its greenhouse emissions, says a study by the sustainable development think tank, the Australia Institute.

SRF has received Rs 23.09 crore as compensation for phasing out the production of chloro fluoro carbons

The European Union is on target to meet its international commitment to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that are thought to cause climate change, an EU official said yesterday. A

The residents of the Rawalpindi city have to face another worst kind of water crisis as the water level at Rawal dam is fast receding. The dam reservoirs generally remain packed to capacity

Scientists report that ice cores drilled through a glacier more than six kilometres up in the Himalayan Mountains--the highest cores ever retrieved--show that the last 50 years were the warmest in

The thick ice that has for ages covered theArctic Ocean at the pole has turned to water, recent visitors there reported yesterday. "It was totally unexpected," said Dr. James J. McCarthy, an

An influential expert on globalwarming who for nearly 20 years has pressed countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide andother heat-trapping greenhouse gases now says the emphasis on carbon dioxide

Oceanic surface temperatures around Japan this winter are higher than average, according to the results of Meteorological Agency research released Friday. The abnormally high temperatures have
