Sri Lanka signed deals on Friday for two soft loans worth $50 million from the Asian Development Bank to develop the tea and fisheries sectors as the island struggles to get its economy on track

India has registered a 9 per cent increase in the use of internet to access government services or products during the last 12 months, according to a study by Taylor Nelson Sofres. Thirtyone per cent

The Ministry of Rural Development is considering changes to the funding pattern of some schemes by which states will have to contribute a part of the cost. Addressing the Members of Parliament of the

The Delhi High Court has held that capital gains tax can levied on rural areas of Delhi as they fall within the municipal area. While this ruling is binding on Delhi, other municipalities in India

India today stands at a crossroads. Already a major political power., the country has the potential to become a major economic power as well, playing a key role in the global economy. The government

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee proposed an ambitious Free Trade Area (FTA) with South East Asian nations during the first ever India-Asean summit. Also taking note of the menacing shadow of

The government is set to initiate talks with the World Bank shortly for funds aggregating close to $2 billion for its Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan project, which promises to provide elementary and primary

The Bhartiya Janata Party had been compelled to launch its 'Chalo Gaon Ki Ore' campaign for the fourth time after registering repeated failure of its earlier campaign in Madhya

Trade ministers from the 34 democracies in the Western Hemisphere, minus Cuba, met in Quito for the latest round of negotiations on a possible Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The FTAA would

The 10th plan documentation, appears to have demolished Prime Minster Atal Behari Vajpayee's castles in the air - the promise of creating five crore jobs by 2007. In fact, on the assumption that a
