Enable Block: 

The south-east rim of Port Phillip Bay (Australia) is infested with a seaweed that displaces native marine plants and is believed to have caused extensive damage to shellfish beds in the United

The United States has taken India to the World Trade organisation(WTO) against the patent ordinance and talks between the two nations under dispute settlement understanding (DSU) will be held next

The National Capital Region functional plan for industry has recognised the need to promote the service and marketing sector in the belt since Delhi is poised to play a major role in this field.The

Environmentalists are at it again- this time training their roving eyes on the Rs 1,600-crore hazardous chemicals terminal and water house project in Nhave proposed by the Jawaharlal Nehru Port

Over 60 million tonnes of flyash discharged by thermal plants in the country poses a serious threat to all living beings and adversely affects vegetation, according to a Central Government committee

About 40 villages and a densely populated town were submereged and thousands of agriculture land was destroyed by spillage from a breached embankment in southern Pakistan. Strong water currents pose

Ghaziabad,the industrial town is slowly being poisoned . Day after day, a deadly flow of poison is vitiating first the soil and then, as it seeps through the earth, the water table as well. The

Residents of colonies adjoining the dhobi ghat and the gaushala bazar bridge up to Khanpuri Gate live in deplorable conditions. These residential areas are located near the Bhangi choe. The main

Donors have authorised a $120m budget for the United Nations Environmental arm Unep from 2000-2001, the full amount it requested and a shot in the arm for the organisation's bid to reasset itself as

Geologists and environmentalists are alarmed at the recession of the Gangotri glacier, the source of the Ganga. Scientists of the Geological Survey of India have suggested that the government take
