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Fuji Xerox Co. in cooperation with 13 other companies in Japan plans to establish a system for recycling more than 99% of its used copiers by the end of 2000, metals, resins, glass and rubber parts

U.S. and other countries argued during an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum meeting in November that Japan should reduce tariffs on forest and marine products. The Japanese government is

The West Bengal Pollution Control Board has decided to close down 32 gold-melting units that were polluting the Cossipore area. Several residents of Barangore, Sintheee, Cossipore and Bowhazar area

After dithering for nearly a year, the Calcutta Municipal Corporation (CMC) has approved a double-barrelled cicular which forbids open display of skinned animals and birds in shops as well as use of

Steelmakers have warned the European Union that a proposed environmental directive to stop vehicle manufacturers using lead in steel would add hundreds of millions of euros to EU manufacturing costs

A 7,000 square mile dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the runoff of fertilizer is getting worse and the only solution may be to change farming practices throughout the Corn Belt, according to

The Chinese Government will implement a package of measures this year to reverse the worsening pollution trend and ecosystem deterioration by the end of next year. Xie Zhenhua, minister of

Local companies interested in setting up recycling facilities to help preserve the environment are encouraged to approach the Malaysian Government for support. Science, Technology and Environment

For the first time, delegates from nations involved in determining the future of Antarctica plan to meet on the frozen continent, a sign of how Antarctica is becoming more accessible and more

Thirty years of French nuclear testing in the South Pacific has contaminated lagoons and left plutonium scattered over atolls, according to a scientific study coordinated by the International Atomic
