Enable Block: 

In a sign of changing times in America's most popular skiing state, a Colorado environmentalist is suing, asserting that Loveland Ski Area, owners of the lift operating in Colorado, violated its

Experts participating at the Green Road seminar hinted that scores of inaccessible places lying in the mountainous districts of Nepal could be linked with the rest of the country if Green Road

Even as the multi-pronged mass agitation by environmentalists, doctors, scientists, lawyers and students against the Grasim Industries Ltd here is gaining momentum, the management has rejected their

The Central Pollution Control Board today favoured use of compressed natural gas in all public utility and personal vehicles replacing other fuels for controlling emission of toxic gases. The

Government has defended the compulsory licencing provisions (CLP) in the patents amendment ordinance and will present the changed laws to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on January 25 at

The fate of three natural wetlands at Fazilka remains uncertain in the absence of any mechanism to save them from extinction. Despite the Punjab State Council for Science and TEchnology (ASCST)

With desertification reported to be damaging a quarter of the Earth's land, there are great expectations for technologies that can turn deserts into productive land. One trial to develop effective

More than four lakh acres of land have been accreted from sea beds in offshore islands and coastal areas of Chittagong district of Bangladesh since the liberation of the country. The century's worst

The brick industry surrounding Dhubri district has been posing certain severe environmental problems. The pollution level is increasing so much that it has affected most of the agricultural lands

At last, all tea gardens are netted under the Provisions of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and Environment Protection Act
