Enable Block: 

Flyash, considered to be an environmental hazard, is now being used for construction works in a major way. Ballarpur Industries Limited (BILT) , the flagship company of the Thapar group, is

Thousands of trees and crops spread over more than a hundred acres have been destroyed by industrial waste overflowing from Muradnagar's Ghhijarsi Drain, which has been clogged with effluent from a

Cambodia's next man-made disaster : According to experts, foreign-aid officials and Cambodian critics of the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen, Cambodia faces an environmental crisis that could

The US stepped up pressure on the European Union in their dispute over trade in bananas by formally announcing plans to seek World Trade Organisation authority to impose retaliatory sanctions on EU

Greenpeace activists from Brazil, Argentina, Spain, U.S., Germany and Ghana cemented a discharge pipe belonging to Dow Chemicals plant in Guaruja, Sao Paulo. The pipe hidden in a mangrove area was

IGCAR chief : The Director of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Dr. Placid Rodriguez, criticised industrialised nations for trying to use international protocols on environment

India's famed curry powder is tempting the Jarawas, considered the most primitive and reclusive of South Aisa's tribes, to emerge from their jungle homes deep in the Andaman and Nicobar islands. "At

As the present season is no longer safe from red tide, a local expert warned that the coastal province of Guangdong in China should keep a closer eye on the possible comeback of the disaster. Red

A national slum improvement policy was being formulated by the Government to provide an integrated and coordinated approach for all-round improvement of slums in urban areas, official sources said

An ambitious plan for Rs 22 crore has been sent for approval to the Punjab Government to undertake flood protection measures on the left and right banks of river Ravi. According to Mr S K Sandhu,
