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Southwest China's Sichuan Province plans substantial environmental improvements in 14 countries in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Related counties sustained heavy damage during this summer's

China's tourism authorities have decided ecological protection will be a primary industry promotion next year. The announcement, marking a major shift in policy, was made by China National Tourism

China has shut down 143 factories with serious pollution problems in the Taihu Lake Valley because of their tardiness to introducing anti-pollution measures. All factories with a daily waste water

Even as the Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee wants the Indian scientific community to counter the post-Pokhran international sanctions and life the living standards of the poor, an eminent

Frustration grew to tears as travellers waited for airlines and airports to recover from the crippling weekend snowstorm in the Midwest, and a new onslaught of snow shut down the snow-smart city of

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director, Dr. Klaus Topfer was today conferred with the 'For the Sake of Honour Award' by the Rotary Club of Madras East. Speaking on the

A status report on industrial and allied projects seeking clearance from the Union ministry of environment and forests shows that since November 1997, 72 projects have been approved, 11 rejected and

The government today announced an end to carrying food in recycled plastic bags from the third week of January. Speaking to reporters at Writers Buildings, environment minister Manab Mukherjee said:

The West Bengal government has banned 'use of recycled and coloured plastic bags for carrying or packing food items. The ban that comes into effect this month follows a circular from the Union

There seems to be growing convergence in the views of the European Union and India over the question of uniform global labour standards and enviromental norms for companies operating around the
