Enable Block: 

The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) have signed a memorandum of understanding to make information

The West Bengal Power Minister. Mr. Sankar Sen, expressed his concern over the increasing focus on coal-based thermal power generation in the country, leading to environmental pollution by way of

India has called for evolving viable indices to measure sustainable growth and environmental degradation. This plea was made at a two week training course on environment statistics for

Enormous opportunities existed in India in the field of environmental technology and services, and trasfer of technology, and many commercial organisations in the UK would be willing to look at

A division bench of Calcutta High Court, while permitting the use of loudspeakers for campaigning till 10 p.m., hauled up the Election Commission (EC) for being ignorant of environment laws.

Waste separation and mandatory deposits on bottles are to be included in a new recycling law proposed by the Pollution Control Department in Thailand . The law is to be introduced because studies

The Supreme Court today directed the closure of the distillery division of Shakti Sugar Mills in Periyar district of Tamil Nadu, which was causing unabated pollution to the Bhavani river and

The CPCB has issued directions to municipalities countrywide to submit action plans to manage municipal waste, failing which they may face legal action.The CPCB has issued directions in this regard

A British environment experts team, now in India on a fact-finding mission, will explore the possibilities of joint venture and collaboration in aided projects in areas like waste management,

Delhi's anti-pollution drive became the latest victim of the general elections with the city government with-drawing its decision to phase out old commercial vehicles. Reeling under intense political
