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Giving clean chit to the Centre, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probing into the alleged acts of omissions and commissions in the transfer of Mukta-Panna oil fields to a joint consortium

The Union Minister of Environment and Forests, Prof Saiudddin Soz, has defended his decision to deny environmental clearance to the construction of a captive jetty by Sanghi Industries Ltd (SIL) at

Wastes are not completely worthless if one goes by the claims of scientists at the international conference on fly ash disposal and utilisation held in the New Delhi recently. According to them, fly

In a press conference in Panama City, the environmental group Greenpeace criticised plans to allow a shipment of high level nuclear waste to pass through the Panama Canal. According to information

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation has chalked up a series of programmes to mark the International Year of the Ocean, which is being observed this year. The

The shift from a subsistence level rural setting to a planned urban set up has come as a severe jolt to the inhabitants of Kuksheth village. So much so, they'd rather term their relocation as

Brazil's President, Fernando Henrique Cardoso now has on his desk new legislation that finally gives the country's environmental agency a modicum of power to enforce environmental laws. A coalition

The Government of Finland has announced new contribution of about $750,000 to UNSO for UNDP's Trust Fund to Combat Desertification and Drought. The new funding will support UNSO's newly developed

The shift from a subsistence-level rural setting to a planned urban set-up has come as a severe jolt to the inhabitants of Kuksheth village. Ever since the Herdillia Chemicals plant came up at

Thousands of industrial workers of industrial units which have been shut down, displaced natives-encroachers' in protected areas, workers in stone quarries and traditional bird and animal trappers
