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Mexico's majestic Popocatepetl volcano erupted on Thursday,spewing out a massive gas cloud and setting off a series of tremors reaching up to 3.3 on the Richer scale, local media

The World Bank will provide an interest free loan of over $260 million to India under the International Development Association Programme for promoting primary education and protecting forests and

President Clinton paid little attention to environmental issues when he first came to office, moved to higher ground as time went on and now has a fairly rosy reputation among conservationists.

In the absence of an effective control mechanism, the abundant and indiscriminate release of toxic elements by chemical, pharmaceutical, paint and certain other polluting industries in the twin

The Maharashtra government's Mumbai-Pune expressway project formally got underway. The express project aimed at decongesting the existing highway was delayed on account of stiff opposition by

To combat the growing pollution levels in all major rivers in the country, a national rivers conservation campaign was launched under the banner of the Indian Council of Enviro-Legal Action, noted

The effectiveness of existing contingency plans that tackle oil spills has not been tested. "Our current response capability is just enough to handle a spill of about 300 tonnes, which is fairly

Efforts are on by the Delhi Government to re-locate the polluting industries out of the capital. At the same time, only pollution-free industries would be encouraged in the future,according to Mr. J.

Gas Authority of India Ltd (GAIL) has commenced the supply of natural gas to industrial units in Firozabad, near Agra. This forms part of the 10 point programme announced by the government to save

Investments in environment protection have always been the last in the Indian companies' priority list. However, the recent Supreme Court judgement for setting up dehydrogenetion and desulphurisation
