A police complaint was filed against Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam (GNN) on Wednesday by residents against burning of dry leaves in Kaushambi's Central Park.The move comes a day after National Green Tribun
In a unique cleanliness drive, People of Ponda conducted its 23rd Consecutive Sunday Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan cleanliness awareness programme on Sunday by giving away a total of 100 kg of sugar to ar
As part of environment awareness and conservation drive launched by UT department of environment and NGO Yuvsatta on World Earth Day, 50 girls of Carmel Convent School, Sector 9, participated in 'G
Despite the order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) regarding the disposal of garbage and waste products, the municipal council Pauri is doing nothing to address the issue.
KATHMANDU, April 13: With the aim to involve the public in preventing garbage dumping in public spaces of the capital, Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) office has come up with a complaint reportin
In a major decision aimed at checking air pollution in the Capital, the Delhi Government has directed the Deputy Commissioners of all the 11 districts to crackdown on burning of garbage, plastic an
The Delhi government has issued directions to all 11 deputy commissioners to carry out surprise checks and regular inspections in their respective areas to crack down on open burning of waste, incl
Israelis produced hundreds – or perhaps even thousands – of tons of trash over Passover, with some 550 tons collected in Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund forests and parks alone, the or