March 4: Over 11 lakh acres under the Prakasam barrage ayacut in Krishna and Guntur districts will be transformed into barren lands in the coming years due to the implementation of GO no.107 issued by the Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy government in September 2004.

HIV testing is a key component of HIV control efforts. The authors examined the distribution of HIV testing in a population-based sample from Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh, which is estimated to have one of the highest prevalence rates of HIV in India.

HYDERABAD: Workers engaged in the operations to remove the thick layer of silt deposited in Kurnool city and elsewhere after the floodwater receded are faced with a peculiar problem as the soil has become very hard.

Oct. 8: Modernisation of the Krishna delta alone will provide a lasting solution to the perennial flooding of Krishna district, said irrigation experts.
Implementation of the long-pending modernisation scheme was one of the cherished dreams of the late Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy.

Guntur: The cup of woes was overflowing for the Andhra Pradesh government with a fresh breach in Krishna river submerging a whole town in chief minister K Rosaiah

Oct. 6: Diverting the waters of the Krishna river for fish farming

The flood situation in Andhra Pradesh worsened after the Krishna river breached its left embankment near Oleru village on Tuesday afternoon inundating at least 35 villages in Krishna and Guntur district. No loss of life has been reported so far. The breach came about even as inflow and outflow on all the three major dams across the river had started reducing from Tuesday morning.

Hyderabad: The flood fury descended on Krishna and Guntur districts of Andhra Pradesh by Sunday night with as many as 300 villages going under the water. Officials involved in relief work believe as many as 10 lakh people are affected by the disaster.

Bangalore/Hyderabad: A 500-metre-long bridge across the Tungabhadra river near Gilkesugur village, 32 km from Raichur, was washed away in flash floods in Karnataka, even as the situation eased in Gulbarga, Bijapur, Bellary and Raichur districts of the State with the water-level in the Krishna, Tungabhadra and several streams and rivulets receding on Sunday.

The retreating monsoon claimed 12 more lives as the death toll due to torrential rains and rampaging floods in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh soared to 205 on Sunday even as relief operations were on in full swing in the two states to provide succour to the affected.
