Enable Block: 

The Delhi High Court has issued show cause notices to the Union Miniters of Health and Industries and the Delhi Governemnt on a petition seking a country-wide ban on the production, distribution and

Smokers wanting to kick the habit will be able to get help in the form of nicotine patches, which are to be made available on prescription for the first time in Japan on Wednesday. Nicotine patches

3,83,000 Indian went up in smoke last year: India witnessed 3,83,000 tobacco deaths last year which is 66 per cnet of all tobacco deaths in SOuth-east Asia, according to the latest World Health

Chennai and Hyderabad have been chosen as entry points for an Indo-U.K. joint venture - "Lifenet India' - to provide emergency medical services through a consortium of private hospitals, aimed at

The Cabinet approved the draft National Health Policy to reach health care services to all people of Bangladesh. The health policy is framed in light of guarantees for basic needs of the citizens,

At a time when the U.S. government is worried about how to keep Medicare from going broke, virtually every segment of the health care industry is begging Congress to retreat on the few steps it has

With this season's bumper crop of pollen in New York, many allergy sufferers are turning to Claritin, a powerful antihidysminr that is said to subdue the misery of the allergies without inducing

A new indigenous HIV test kit to be launched by the Prime Minister tomorrow is yet to be officially cleared. Key health authorities are still in the dark about the product. The invitation for a

People with high blood pressue often fail to respond to medication, leading their doctors to prescribe more and more pills for them. Instead, doctor should help them remember to tack the pills they

Many older people are kept awake at night by tingling and even shooting pains in the legs. The majority are unaware that there is a medical name for their problem - Restless Legs Sybdrome(RLS), a
