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A simple blood test can tell doctors if someone complaining of chest pain and other symptoms is having a heart attack, researchers said recently. The test looks for an enzyme called creatine-kinase

An unrecognised type of receptor in the eye's retina must detect light and help set the body's circadian rhythm clock, conclude researchers. And neatly. A team of Dutch and Japanese researchers

Researchers at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Ikoma, Japan believe they have discovered an enzyme in the brain that may be useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The enzyme,

One of the world's most dreaded diseases - leprosy - which has caused stigma and social ostracism for millenia, is nearing elimination worldwide as a public health problem, according to the World

Treatment with portions of proteins from certain viruses and bacteria can inhibit the development of a multiple sclerosis-like autoimmune disease in susceptible mice, according to a new study by

A fully equipped floating hospital was launched in Mawa, Bangladesh, on Saturday. According to a press not release at Mumbai by IMPACT, a global United Nations agency, the hospital will operate in

The general secretary of the PPCC, Mr Sajjan Kumar Jakhar, expressed the fear that more than 5 lakh residents of Abohar and Balluana might suffer from jaundice and other water borne diseases as dirty

A unqiue ethnobotanical database containing information about 700 medicinal herbs and plants has remained unused even after five years after its preparation, apparently as the Andhra Pradesh

Fifteen infants at risk of being metally disable are born daily in Mumbai alone, while one such child is born every minute across the country, according to a report released by the Association for

TII : The domestic industry has urged the government to rethink about the proposed ban on sale of cigarette and bidis on railway platforms and trains. The industry has said that this ban is likely to
