Enable Block: 

Researchers from the National Institute of Communicable Diseases(NICD), New Delhi, have found that the essential oil of cannabis sativa, could serve as an effective insecticide against larvae of

The composition of the vaccine for year 2000 (southern hemisphere influenza season) has been decided and communicated to vaccine manufacturers by the World Health Organization(WHO), following

Dr Reddy's Laboratories Ltd is expected to receive a milestone payment towards the second anti-diabetic DRF-2725 over the next three weeks time. The drug was the second one licenced to Novo Nordisk

Twenty-four fresh cases of jaundice were reported from various parts of Ahmedabad even as the total toll in the city in this month reached 225. On its part, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

With its unique focus on districts, the Integrated Population and Development (IPD) project launched by the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) as its fifth country programme in Rajasthan has laid

Novo NordisK: For, Novo Nordisk, a health-care company that focuses on diabetes, explains, Indians are gentically more prone to diabetes. According to the company, India has the dubious distinction

An experimental ovarian tissue transplant has worked and allowed a prematurely menopausal woman to ovulate and have a normal menstrual period, a doctor said Thursday. International experts

A gene mutation already linked to cancer has been shown, in addition, to cause the immune system to attack the kidneys and other organs in a way that resembles the effects of lupus. In laboratory

The US Justice Department yesterday filed a massive lawsuit that accuses the tobacco industry of fraud and deceit since the 1950s, and seeks to recover much of the $20-billion spent by the federal

The lack of awareness about harmful effects of ozone can be detrimental, especially to the patients of asthma and other respiratory diseases. High ozone levels are harmful to the respiratory
