Enable Block: 

Marijuana, the ostracised drug thought to produce abnormal brainwaves, may soon be used by neurologists to prevent cerebral strokes. Cannabidiol--a compound extracted from cannabis--has been found

An international congress of radiology is being held in India for the first time, from September 19 to 23 , with the participation of 1,500 delegates from overseas and 2,500 from within the country.

The withdrawal of the controversial excise duty on sweetmeals may be music to the ears of the traditionally sweet toothed people of Gujarat, but they had better watch out against the dangers

A federal judge has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency wrongly declared secondhand tobacco smoke a dangerous carcinogen in a landmark 1993 report in

With its Global Polio Eradication Initiative progressing on target, the WHO is now preparing for "life after eradication". It is getting ready particularly to avoid a resurgence of the disease on

Poor environmental quality is directly responsible for around 25 per cent of all preventable illnesses and constitutes as much as two-third of all preventable illnesses in childhood, say experts.

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi and the Delhi Jal Board are working in tandem to tackle the menace of cholera which has been accentuated with the onset of

The Health Minister, Mr. Dalit Ezhilmalai, declared the intention of the Government to launch awareness campaigns under its National Cancer Control Programme on the harmful effects of pan masala that

Scientists have succeeded in mapping the genetic make-up of the bacterium that causes syphilis. The information could be critical for developing new vaccines anddrugs against the disease. Molecular

Doctors are on the verge of using vaccines to treat cancer patients, according to a new report. 'Cancer vaccines on the brink of commercial launch'found that the first such vaccine is expected to
