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Confidential documents released by the inquiry into BSE show that John Major, as prime minister demanded that there should be less regulation of the meat industry at a time when controls to protect

The UK government's Medicines Control Agency has set up a Special Enquiry Unit to crack down on illegal sales of Viagra. The MCA said that it would take action against people selling Viagra, which is

American and Chinese doctors consulted across cyberspace in the first successful live medical teleconference between their

US House Republicans have laid out plans for a tobacco Bill that bears little resemblance to the $516-billion tobacco killed by the Senate last week.Republicans said the House bill would not try to

The mayor of a small southern town in Brazil said on Wednesday he will distribute Viagra free of charge in a bid to raise the community's population and get more federal aid. Mayor Elcio Berti, mayor

Scientists have discovered why some people never get addicted to cigarettes and why all smokers do not develop tobacco-related cancers. For some people, a common genetic defect reduces their ability

The House has voted 223 to 202, to prohibit the US Food and Drug Administration from using federal money to test, develop or approve any drug that chemically induces

Doctors working in Taliban-held Afghanistan were ordered on Thursday to deny treatment to women not accompanied by a clost male relative, state-run radio Shariat

US researchers have developed a way to take the pain out of injections. Their technique relies on anarray of 'microneedles' - each much thinner than a human hair. The array only penetrates the

European and US scientists have discovered that a group of parasites responsible for human diseases such as malaria share a metabolic pathway essentialto the survival of many plants. The finding
