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One day after tobacco legislation died in the US Senate, Speaker NewtGingrich said House Republicans will soon unveil a separate bill to curtail teen smoking andpredicted that President Clinton 'is

Republicans angry about the size and scope of the $516 billion tobacco bill succeeded Wednesday in killing the measure by first refusing to cut off debate and then sending it back to committee. On

Researchers : Children as young as age three can add and substract, and their socio-economic background apears to have little effect on their skills, according to research at the University of

Stephen D. Mumford's brick and wood home looks much like any other in the leafy suburbs of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. No one would ever guess what he has in this basement. Down there are more than

Accurate protein analysis is crucial for many branches of cancer research. The Imperial Cancer Research Fund, the UK charity, is working with consultants from EDS, the information technology group,

Drug makers, eyeing Viagra's runaway success with profit envy, expect the drive for arthritis relief will yield the next wonder drug. Some industry experts believe Celebra, a painkiller that cuts

Haffkine Biopharmaceuticals Corporation Ltd (HBCL), a state govvernment undertaking, told the Bombay high court on Wednesday that the potency of about 600,000 polio vaccine, which they had

U.S. pharmaceuticals giant Eli Lilly & Co has hit another obstacle in its quest for copyright protection in China for the drug Prozac. The Beijing Municipal People's High Court last week upheld a

The first major test with humans using a Pfizer Inc. device to inhale insulin found it could safely replace most injections for diabetics, a step toward an elusive goal. The Pfizer tests presented at

Arunachal Pradesh - which was the only state in the North-eastern region to be free of the dreaded AIDS has finally caught up with rest of the region with the detection of one case in the State
