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The draft 'Bangalore Declaration' coming at the end of a global conference on medicinal plants has proposed an electronic "watchdog" and data network of related organisations to monitor developments

Federal agents have charged two men with possession of a biological toxin believed to be anthrax after tracking them for hours as they prepared to test the substance at a suburban medical clinic,

The human heart muscle, the myocardium, is nourished by blood supply from the coronary arteries. Narrowing or blocks of these coronary artieries causes myocardium which weakens its ability to pump

Drugs for treating cancer will be more effective and less toxic in future and molecular technology is propelling the development of a cancer vaccine,researchers said on Thursday. Scientists also told

The Supreme Court ban on blood from professional donors has created a shortage of blood following the failure of the concerned agencies to arrange voluntary donations. As a result the shortfall is

'million kids hit': An estimated one million children have developed "vaccine failure" polio in India during the eighties as a result of the Union Government adhering to the WHO norm that three doses

Officials with St. Petersburg's Influenza Institute say a flu epidemic sweeping the city has left 17,000 local residents bedridden. The institute's Oleg Kiselyov said Friday that the local outbreak

For the past two decades, water from a million or more wells sunk into the alluvum of the Ganga delta by agencies such as UNICEF, the World Bank and Britain's Overseas Development Administration has

Speaking at a conference on the economics of tobacco control in Cape Town, on Thursday that an increase in tax on tobacco will have the dual effect of reducing cigarette consumption, while boosting

The Minister of Health of Portugal Maria de belem, started a bit of a panic when she told a radio station that two patients in Portuguese hospitals had been diagnosed as having the new strain of CJD,
