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Outdated food safety laws and a fragmented federal structure serve as barriers to improving protection of the nations food supply from contamination and other hazards, according to a new

In a paper published in Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Michael Murphy, a psychologist at Masschusetts General Hospital in Boston and his colleagues have proved that breakfast is good

Until now, those who have lost their sense of touch have just had to live with the problem, trying instead to become more aware of their surroundings using the senses that remain. James Collins, a

The city's first "stroke clinic" providing state-of-the are facilities will start functioning soon at the Indraprastha Apollo

Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir are among the most malaria and other vector disease prone states of the country . Any outbreak of epidemic might claim large

The Tala Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) will test a system of collecting information on tobacco-related disease through the medical records of deceased tobacco-users. The epidemiology

Swiss and French tests for a poison gas on Iraqi missile warheads appear to have reached results contrart to those of American tests that showed the presence of VX, a deadly nerve agent. If the

For the first time guidelines have been framed in the country for treatment of asthma from the Indian point of view of health. The guidelines will be released at a conference cum workshop on Saturday

The Health and Safety Commission of UK is to publish a consultation paper proposing the banning of the supply, use and importationof white asbestos from

Hospital patients could die because of slippage in the UK government's drive to tackle the millennium bomb, MPs on the Commons public accounts committee will claim soon. A report by the committee
