GANDHINAGAR: The Gujarat government, which announced with great fanfare last week a sharp increase in the release of Narmada waters from the Sardar Sarovar dam into the canal, to help farmers downstream, was forced to cut down the amount of water released to about one-third on Monday.

AHMEDABAD: Amdavadis would finally get their usual two hours of drinking water supply from Wednesday onwards. The irrigation department reported on Sunday that repair work in the Meshwo branch of the Narmada main canal was over. The masonry work would take at least two days to stabilize before they allow water to flow through the canal.

GANDHINAGAR: Four years after it was launched, the state government has got a "post-feasibility study" of the controversial Sujalam Sufalam project prepared to silence its critics. Prepared jointly by the Institute of Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore and Water Resources Engineering and Management Institute (WREMI), Vadodara, it comes even as a Planning Commission document on the 11th Five-Year Plan (2007-12) refuses to include it in the list of projects it has approved.