Vehicular congestion and insufficient parking facilities are significant emerging challenges for India’s mega and metropolitan cities, severely impairing mobility.

Objection to the report of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board by the applicant, Aditya Singh Chauhan on industries polluting Sabarmati river.

The report points out that there are 672 industries in the area who are members of common effluent treatment plant (CETP), Ahmedabad Hand Screen Printing Association (AHSPA), but the report deals with only 55 industries. The zero liquid discharge (ZLD) units in the area as given by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) was 55 units only - whereas to the best of knowledge of the applicant total ZLD units in the area is more than 200.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ajitsinh Bhurubha Vaghela & Inhabitants of several Villages of Kheda Taluka, Distt. Kheda Vs State of Gujarat dated 01/09/2020.

This case study showcases the city of Ahmedabad’s experience in successfully raising funds through municipal bonds to finance climate-resilient urban development.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ajitsinh Bhurubha Vaghela & Inhabitants of several Villages of Kheda Taluka, Distt. Kheda Vs State of Gujarat dated 17/01/2020 regarding controlling untreated industrial effluents discharged in Kharicut Canal which is a tributary of Khari River in District Khera, Gujarat. Illegal bore-wells are said to have been dug without permission of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) affecting the water level. Sewage from STPs set up by Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation was overflowing into the river.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ramdevbhai Samatbhai Sanjva Vs State of Gujarat & Others dated 06/12/2019 regarding pollution of river Bhadar near Ahmedabad.

According to the weekly health report, the city recorded 629 cases of diarrhea, 270 cases of jaundice, 430 cases of typhoid and four cases of cholera in the category of water-borne diseases.

Ahmedabad: Two directions of the National Green Tribunal — one given in October 2018 and the other in March this year had catalysed the Gujarat government to put the Comprehensive Air Action Plan (

A pioneering strategy to protect people from killer heat waves is rapidly catching on across India and beyond, as more communities adopt their own Heat Action Plans (HAP) to shield people from dangerously hot weather worsened by climate change.

Nepra builds a supply chain that connects waste generators/collectors to recyclers
