This annual issue brief highlights the progress at the city, state, and national levels in 2021 to improve India’s resilience to the health risks of extreme heat. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) in its annual seasonal outlook for the summer expects the 2021 heat season to be warmer than usual over most regions of India.

A pioneering strategy to protect people from killer heat waves is rapidly catching on across India and beyond, as more communities adopt their own Heat Action Plans (HAP) to shield people from dangerously hot weather worsened by climate change.

The second edition of its groundbreaking 2012 report, the NRDC’s Wasted: How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill provides updated statistics on the environmental, economic and social impacts, analyzes areas of progress at the government, business and consumer levels in the last five years and offers polic

As the threat of climate change looms, the world must transition to cleaner energy and avoid burning most fossil fuels. Coal is of particular concern, accounting for two fifths

New report says Flint water crisis is not an anomaly, as analysis reveals 5,363 water systems – providing drinking water to 18 million – breached federal laws.

In response to the many dangerous impacts of climate change, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed the first-ever limits on industrial carbon pollution in June 2014. Each year more than 2 billion tons of carbon pollution are spewed into the atmosphere by power plants -- the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

International financial institutions and governments worldwide are pouring billions of dollars into building new and existing coal-fired power plants and expanding coal mining activities that worsen dangerous carbon pollution, according to a new report that calls for an end to all international coal financing, except in very rare circumstances.

The Indian government recently took a leading role in global efforts to address climate change by proposing a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) phase-down amendment to the Montreal